
Thursday, April 5, 2012

What is Easter for U?

What is Easter for U?
James Kottoor
What is Easter for you? To get lost in prayerful ecstasy contemplating the splendour of the transfigured glory of the risen Lord on the mountain top, only to make tents for yourselves with Moses and prophets, away from the humdrum harsh realities of life here below?
Easter for me is to be down to earth, to recover all what is lost and complete what is unfinished. It is resurrecting peace and prosperity lost, hope of joy lost due to friendships lost, collaborations lost between members of one’s own family, own community and in community between the endogamous and non-endogamous groups, between members of one’s own Rite – Knanites and Syrians, between members of various Rites – Syro, Latin, Orthodox and Heterodox, between members of over 2000 churches, between various competing world religions, between believers, unbelievers and don’t care!
It is resurrecting amity and harmony between various races starting now with the bold tokenism taken to substitute People’s House for White House in US, a dying symbol of white supremacy in the West, resurrecting the dying Arab Spring not oil loot by market forces in the middle East. Finally it is resurrecting bonhomie between neighbouring countries in conflict and urging all to lay deep foundations starting in my own country for resurrecting an undivided Bharat from the ashes of its bitter divisive past, possibly at the impending India-Pak, Manmohan-Zardari Summit on Easter Sunday, April 8th. Fanciful day-dreaming?
If a divided East and West Germany could get united why can’t India and Pakistan merge into one Bharath? If Christ rose from the dead, if resurrection is to be an on going living reality here below nothing should be impossible where there is an abundance of good-will. Death to death then, let life break out of all sealed tombs and closed hearts! Let us make it happen by striving to make a resurrected gush of good will to live and let live reign supreme all around to bring back peace and prosperity, to recreate a Paradise lost here and now, not hereafter! HAPPY EASTER! (

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